Student Accident & Sickness
has been managing college student medical plans since 1973. Whether
your plan includes basic schedules and supplemental benefits, comprehensive
PPO’s or anything in between, Maxon has probably handled it and
on a very large scale. This experience can help you keep your rates
reasonable whether your plan is mandatory, waiver, or voluntary.
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As part
of plan management Maxon produces monthly claims analysis reports.
This year to date report shows paid claims by cause (type of condition)
and service (the nature of what was done or provided). Frequency and
dollar amounts are provided, along with sub-totals for inpatient, outpatient,
and other services. Each report is customized to provide information
on specific plan benefits. These formats can also be utilized to analyze
claims data by campus and according to any desired student/dependent
We also
provide secure on line claims status inquiry for your administrative
staff and your insured students.
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